Carbon War Room logoFrom an initial field of over 250 entries and a subsequent shortlist of 7, Carbon War Room has been named NGO of the Year in the 2014 BusinessGreen Leaders Awards —the largest sustainability awards in Europe. The award recognised the War Room's impact over the past year, especially in maritime shipping and island economies, as well as its potential for even greater impact in the future.

The Carbon War Room is a global nonprofit, founded by Sir Richard Branson and a team of like-minded entrepreneurs, that accelerates the adoption of business solutions that reduce carbon emissions at gigaton scale and advance the low-carbon economy. The organization focuses on solutions that can be realized using proven technologies under policy landscapes.

The Carbon War Room identifies and works in sectors where emissions can be reduced profitably, and where there re barriers preventing greater adoptions of low-carbon solutions. Within these sectors, we launch Operations and collaborate with the sector's stakeholders. The War Room's current Operations include Maritime Shipping Efficiency, Building Efficiency, Renewable Jet Fuels, Smart Island Economies and Trucking Efficiency.

The Carbon War Room accelerates the adoption of business solutions that reduce carbon emissions at gigaton scale and advance the low-carbon economy.

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