Welcome to Greenrock

Greenrock is working to empower individuals and companies to do their part in making Bermuda socially, economically and environmentally more sustainable.

landlord_tenants_reportOver the past decade, many commercial real estate leaders have been demonstrating the environmental and financial benefits of energy-efficient buildings. As a result, more and more building owners and tenants have been searching for the game changers that will result in widespread reductions in building energy use.

VisionaireNew York's "Visionaire" condo uses recycled water, solar panels and a green roof. It is a relief to see that despite the proliferation of climate change deniers, business is going ahead and building assuming that climate change is an issue that should be addressed

Guardian Data Solutions revealed its 2011 paper recycling data in a February 14 news announcement.

According to their news release, paper recycling is alive and well in Bermuda with nearly 90% of the paper waste generated from Guardian's secure document destruction service being recycled in 2011, compared to 80% in 2010.

top_10_energy-efficiency_workplaceEnergy efficiency is often called the low-hanging fruit of a clean-energy economy. Secretary of Energy Steven Chu likes to say it's not just hanging, it's rotting on the ground.

The easy pickings are apparently not that easy, though. Energy efficiency programs have picked up speed in the past few years with concerns about the bottom line and/or sustainability, but those programs often come in fits and starts.

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02 Nov 2024

If you have a couple hours to spare on Sunday, consider using the time to help make Bermuda “cleaner, greener, and more beautiful”. Keep Bermuda Beautiful is...

25 Oct 2024

Those plants you are walking past could be food; they could be the remedy to what ails you. Or they might be something you should steer clear of. Doreen...

18 Oct 2024

Greg Wilson is passionate about food security. Sit with him at Food Forest, the organic garden he started in his backyard in 2021, and he is happy to talk...

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